Make your recruitment stand out

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How you recruit determines your employee engagement

The recruitment process needs to be as efficient as possible

audit your recruitment process
enhancing recruitment

Staff Indicators

We help businesses identify and interpret the Key Staff Indicators that determine their organisational success. More importantly we work with you to create more staff engagement and overall better performance. 

Staff Indicators is a start up and was founded by some like minded Human Resources professionals with a passion for leadership and people relations.

4 people at desk


We believe working with leaders and management is most impactful. We  offer a whole range of services to make your work environment better so you can attract and retain the best employees.

Candidate Survey

An email survey to candidates from your recruitment process, to identify opportunities for improvement.

New Hire Feedback

Through confidential interviews with candidates and/or new hires we can supply authentic feedback.

Why us?

Our customers want to break the cycle of constant re-hiring, dealing with team conflict and an overall unhappy workforce.

Cost saving

Less candidates dropping out and less early leavers will reduce hiring cost.


We are an English speaking team  based in Europe and offer our services across the world.


We work independently and can guarantee confidentiality to candidates and new hires.

Employee retention

The first few days of the onboarding experience determines if the new hire will stay.

What is a recruitment audit?

Unlike a regular audit where the focus lies on processes, the recruitment audit encorporates the individual contributors in the process. We at Staff Indicators will determine with you how you want us to gather the necessary information.

A great starting point is conducting a candidate satisfaction surveys where we use our standardised questionnaire but company specific questions can always be added.

 Another stream of valuable information is through individual interviews with recent hires. They have recently gone through your recruitment process and are usually very willing to give open an honest feedback.

The question most companies want to see answered is : “What is the candidate experience?”. And how does the company present itself to candidates and potential new hires. Every employer branding should start with the interaction a new employee has with the company and that is not their first day in the office. Your recruitment process is the first touchpoint, make sure it makes a good impression on your potential new hire.

All the data we provide to our customers is of course anonymised.

Ineffective recruitment is costing you money

An ineffective and inefficient recruitment process will hurt your company’s spending. The best talent will not consider your offer, and new starters are resigning in the first 12 months. The total cost of Talent Acquisition is going up.

If this sounds familiar, and you want to breaking this cycle, let us help you with an audit of your recruitment process.

man in suit using his phone

→ We see more candidates dropping out of the recruitment process.

→ We have problems getting candidates to the offer stage.

→ We are seeing more new hires leave the first year of employement.

→ We are always hiring for the same positions.

Want to know how we audit your recruitment process and upgrade your hiring?